2015- in the process / photo / video
It is considered that the Solar System is one of the cells forming an infinitely large organism. The Sun is a great nucleoid, and the planets orbiting it perform functions analogous to other parts of a properly functioning cell. The entire system is surrounded by the icy vacuum of space, like a cell wall. It is assumed that the structure of this infinite entity is fractal, twisted inward and outward. Living organisms inhabiting Earth are no exception here – they are part of this structure and themselves are built according to the same algorithm. Each living creature constitutes a twisted inward microcosm in itself, each whole consists of smaller wholes, and so on infinitely, in time, space, and other dimensions unknown to man.
Text: Zofia Wróblel

"In nature, there is a vast array of vibrations that can remind us of our essence. Any sound that helps to quiet and expand the mind can be considered a healing sound. According to Ayurveda, these subtle sounds are not random: they are the very fabric of nature. In the total stillness of the quantum mechanical universe, primordial sounds arise, creating certain patterns that eventually blossom into matter, energy, and the infinite diversity of things made of matter and energy—stars, trees, rocks, and human beings. The calls of forest birds, the buzzing of bees, the crashing of waves against the shore, and the rustling of leaves in the summer breeze—all such sounds can have healing power. Try to spend some time in nature and listen to the healing sounds that surround you. If you live in a densely urban area and cannot regularly experience the sounds of nature, invite them into your home in the form of recordings of rainforest, ocean, or waterfall music.
The theory of sound healing suggests that the mind, returning to the quantum level, perceives certain sounds that may have become distorted somewhere, thus having an incredibly healing effect on the body. Connecting with these healing sounds at a fundamental level yields beneficial effects."
Deepak Chopra "Perfect health"

Group exhibition 'Czasoprzestrzeń' as part of the 9th Photography Biennale: Explorations of the Zamek Cultural Center in Poznań